Defining Your Future by What You Finish

You’ve decided a change is needed…a new program, a new service line, or “just” a change in how specific services are provided? As your organization enters the Institutional Program Development zone, have you asked yourself these (complex) questions?

These are not simple questions. What should you build, develop, implement, improve? Where are you going, what is the destination, what makes a difference, how will you get there?

Strategic Planning

Bringing the right teams together is essential to successful strategic planning and answering these complex questions. However, planning is only the beginning – this is only part of the equation. Strategic planning may be the “bright, shiny object” that catches the attention of the team, but most commonly, your success is directly dependent on the execution of a well-defined strategy.

Execution may not garner as much attention, as it’s typically not as “exciting.” However, strategic planning without execution is merely a classroom exercise.

Tenacious Execution

Many are not attracted to execution, which is fundamentally tactical in nature – indefatigable persistence, relentless positivity, laser attention to details, crystal clear accountability, assiduously managing timelines, compelling change management.

Defining a path is an essential first step…walking the route together is crucial, otherwise you are still at the beginning.

What counts is what crosses the finish line.

– J. Christopher Farmer, MD

Partner with Trajectory Group

We will help move your organization forward. We provide explicit leadership guidance, high-impact healthcare management consulting services, with the goal of delivering lasting results. In today’s uncertain world, we can assist with preparation for disaster avoidance and disaster medical response. We adopt a proven approach that delivers results through actionable plans and reliable partnerships backed by healthcare expertise. Driving results not reports…