Driving Success Across the Globe

Our success stories span the nation and the globe, including healthcare enterprises and multi-site hospital organizations, medical universities, individual hospitals, medical startup companies, other government and non-government health agencies, and commercial organizations that operate in the healthcare space.

Recent and Current Advisory and Consulting Engagements

Activities include leading a multi-professional team of clinicians and IT professionals to develop and implement the necessary IT tools, clinical programs, clinical algorithms, clinical workforce, and workflow protocols

Activities include assistance with critical care software tools development and new client engagement

Activities included healthcare facility assessment and clinical service line development for risk mitigation

Activities include leadership guidance, assistance with new programs development, visioning new business strategies, research programs/grants development and guiding service line development, project management, and execution

Activities included blueprinting acute medicine service line development, future planning and identifying focus areas for physician conflict resolution

Activities include review of healthcare business line development, input regarding client selection, and discussion regarding healthcare design features

Activities include hospital-focused new programs development, standardization of care models between hospitals, development of an enterprise telemedicine system, physician and nursing educational infrastructure development, enterprise level physician executive leadership coaching, and guiding project management /execution

More than 100 medical school deans and hospital CEOs in a large Asian country completed a Physician Performance Review program designed and taught by Dr. Farmer

If you don’t pay appropriate attention to what has your attention, it will take more of your attention than it deserves.

– David Allen

Partner with Trajectory Group

We will help move your organization forward. We provide explicit leadership guidance, high-impact healthcare management consulting services, with the goal of delivering lasting results. In today’s uncertain world, we can assist with preparation for disaster avoidance and disaster medical response. We adopt a proven approach that delivers results through actionable plans and reliable partnerships backed by healthcare expertise. Driving results not reports…